Utkarsh Tamm
Aerospace Pilot – Watch Agent
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3033
Place of Origin: Clan Steel Viper
Gunnery: ?
Piloting: ?
Star: Unknown
…Turk C Photo Link
Steel Viper Watch Agent
A powerful ally for the Word of Blake and one unsuspected of by most, Utkarsh
Tamm is actually a traitor to his Clan in many ways. While he both gathers
intelligence from the Inner Sphere and other Clans, he also takes part in
backroom deals with the Word of Blake. The reason for Utkarsh’s dealings with
the Blakists seem unfounded; they can offer him almost nothing of value in his
own culture. In fact, his dealings with the Blakists are a major threat to his own
personal well-being when one considers the Clan cultures way of dealing with
traitorous behavior.
Utkarsh is one of the Clan’s genetically engineered aerospace pilots. Though
this genetic disposition lends them an exceptionally weakened physical body,
the pilots do benefit from increased hand-eye coordination and other skills
important to their Warrior Caste tasks.
How much Utkarsh has shared with the Blakists is anyone’s guess. Very few
know of his betrayal and those who do are not speaking. Some believe he has
betrayed the Steel Vipers by giving the Blakists information about the Clan.
Others suspect he has only helped the group to gather information on their
most hated foes – the Clans as a whole, Comstar, and the mercenary units
called Strider’s Strikers and The Crusaders.
This profile was last updated in 3068.