Mark ‘Maverick’ Pike
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 2997
Place of Origin: Taurian Concordat
Gunnery: 2
Piloting: 4
Lance: Strikers’ Command Lance – The Others
…Grand Titan Photo Link
Lone Mercenary
‘Maverick’ Pike had an extensive career in the mercenary business. Since his
academic failure in the Taurian Concordat Institute for Higher Learning, Mark
has been piloting BattleMechs as a Mechwarrior for hire. His experiences as a
bounty hunter and battlefield sniper provided Mark with a resume few others
possess. He fine tuned his skills as a member of the Chinese Bandits in 3034.
His tryouts for the Bandits displayed Mark’s talent as a maverick Mechwarrior,
independently accomplishing his missions whenever given the chance. His
abilities were obvious to the unit’s leader from the start. Chosen for his
techniques, he was assigned as a headhunter in a medium class Mech lance.
He met success piloting his 55 ton Exterminator BattleMech, often using his
heat signature system to sneak behind enemy lines and establish ambushes
upon enemy commanders. Hired as a one man "clean up" team, Mark met up
with Mike Strider in 3045. The two joined forces while hunting a powerful team
of bandits on a Periphery back-world. After 3 weeks of guerrilla warfare against
a stronger foe, the small Hansen’s Roughriders lance including Strider left
planet to wait for reinforcements in the form of an additional lance. Pike
continued on his own mission, working to rid his employer of the pirate’s
attacks. Using tactics he picked up from the Bandits unit and his new ally
Strider, Mark lured his opponents out one by one. After defeating nearly a third
of the pirate band, Mark was aided by the Roughrider reinforcements. Though
offered a position by the Roughrider team, he continued to fight on his own for
several years. When Strider first formed the Strikers, Mark was there at his
request. Mark was initially selected as second-in-command because of his
abilities. Unable to fight in many Striker battles while doing favors for old
friends of his own, Mark lost his secondary command position to more active
member Ryan Allen and temporarily Mace Volt.
Mark continued fighting with the Strikers and became more of a permanent
member in recent years. A well respected founding member of the team, he
piloted the monstrous 100 ton Grand Titan on the command lance. Though his
headhunting skills were rarely called on within the unit’s own contracts, Mark
rode smaller Mechs on occasion to fulfill quick strike operations. He trained
with a separate lance for such missions. He was usually paired with Tony
Hopkins in these cases. Mark’s battle experience holds a vast history, and so
he was normally called upon for advice by Strider when major decisions were
need to be made during campaigns.
Mark’s popularity grew after his frequent shows of stubbornness when
disagreeing with Clan members of the unit. Because this caused headaches for
his commanders, he was increasingly seen as a voice for the Inner Sphere
portion of the team. This role put him at odds with both his commanders on
several occasions, but Mark never misused his power during such debacles.
He usually declined to push his point if either of his commanders made it very
clear they felt differently. He was however, never afraid to give his opinion on a
topic if such an opportunity arose during debates or discussions.
Mark was killed during the Blakist attack on Strider’s Strikers command
barracks. He was unable to pilot his Mech during the confrontation. It is
believed he was attacked while sleeping in his room. Evidence recovered from
the building’s remains suggests that Mark was assaulted by Purifier
battle-armored troops.
This profile was last updated in 3068.