



Sketch by Nikola Temkov

Sex:  Male
Year of Birth:  3029
Place of Origin:  Clan Nova Cat

Gunnery:  1

Piloting:  2


  • Kit Fox (Uller) H, 30 tons
  • Star:  Strikers’ Clan Scout Star – Hard Target

    …Kit Fox H Photo Link



    Interrogation Specialist

    Taking pride in his work is probably the best way to describe Borg.  Not only is
    he an elite pilot with excellent marksmanship and the ability to control his Mech
    in the most violent of circumstances, but he is also a proficient interrogator.  
    Currently involved in both his star’s activities and the Strider’s Strikers
    Intelligence Corps, he leads a busy lifestyle.  Trained in both mental and
    physical interrogation techniques Borg can usually wring the information
    needed out of a prisoner one way or the other.  Although frowned upon both by
    Colonel Strider and Star Colonel Carns, his abilities have often brought home
    important tactical information and both commanders have been known to turn a
    blind eye to his usual methods.  His abilities have brought him under scrutiny
    from several of the House intelligence branches and The Word of Blake’s
    faction of ROM.  Security is high around him and his star at all times to protect
    this valuable asset.
    Borg has had both major successes and major failures in his time with the
    Strider’s Strikers Intelligence Corps.  The brainchild of Mural Rye-Del and Borg,
    the SSIC first gained major footholds within the team when the organization
    discovered evidence of the coming invasion of Wasat by Blakist mercenary
    groups.  While both Strider and Carns had initially scoffed at the idea of such
    an invasion of so minor of a world, the commanders were forced to realize the
    truth in Borg and Mural’s warnings as an increase in the number of Blakist
    attacks grew ever more apparent.
    Borg and the SSIC made even greater impacts during the 3060s, when the
    organization discovered evidence of spy communications leading back to House
    Marik and the Free Worlds League.  Though they’d picked up the spy’s initial
    trail, the organization could find no further leads.  It was not until the guilty
    individual, Buford Olman, confessed on his deathbed that the identity was
    revealed.  Buford had been dying of radiation poisoning after a Cobalt-60
    nuclear device had been triggered against the Strider’s Strikers during a
    training campaign.  Borg himself had insisted they hold an immediate hearing
    for Buford, but the rest of the unit voted unanimously to let the spy die in peace.
    Borg’s greatest victory lie in the controversy surrounding the unit’s founder
    and commander, Mike C. Strider.  The SSIC discovered trace evidence of
    computer files regarding the assassination of the Blakist leader responsible for
    the destruction of the Strider’s Strikers Wasat base.  When Borg was finally
    able to pin the dishonorable tactic on Commander Strider, the interrogator
    realized the grim consequences that such accusations were capable of causing
    for the Strider’s Strikers as a unit.
    Though Borg was prompted by Star Colonel Carns to discover the identity of
    the actual assassin, Borg kept the information to himself, never revealing the
    individual’s identity to protect the team from harming itself further.  In the end,
    Mechwarrior Alexus Capone admitted to her role as the assassin.  However
    Borg and the SSIC were unable to convict Alexus before she too died of
    radiation poisoning from the Cobalt-60 incident.

    This profile was last updated in 3068.
