Sex: Female
Year of Birth: 3038
Place of Origin: Clan Steel Viper
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 3
Star: Strikers’ Clan Zeta Star – Sanctuary
…Black Python Photo Link
Mysterious Steel Viper Warrior
Not old enough to have participated in the invasion, Aisling was moved to the
occupation zone in Alpha Galaxy after destroying two Mechs in her Trial of
Position. After only a year in Alpha Galaxy, her Star Captain was implicated in
the smuggling of various kinds of Clan equipment. Following the purge of her
Trinary, many of her fellow warriors were also caught up in the maelstrom,
leaving very few of her starmates left.
Rumors flew that she was also in on the activity, causing a demotion to
Mechwarrior, but no definitive proof could be brought against her. The Trinary
was disbanded, and its Mechwarriors scattered to the four winds. Aisling found
herself in Star Captain Sasha Breen’s Trinary.
Shortly after her relocation to Sasha’s command, the raids on the Jade Falcons
began. Fighting well during these engagements, she earned the right to
become a Star Commander under Sasha Breen. When Sasha was forced to join
the Strikers and was allowed only one star of Mechwarriors, Aisling took the
demotion to Mechwarrior, and forced her friend to bring her along. This only
further enforced the rumors that she is a smuggler.
Aisling has found an important place on the team, especially since her
friendship with Sasha has elevated her to a higher position within the Clan half
of the unit. It is not yet apparent if she is or was indeed a smuggler, but her
new association with Inner Sphere members of the mercenary unit has many
guessing her motives. She is slowly gaining popularity within the team. It
seems her personality is typically able to win over her critics.
This profile was last updated in 3068.