Norbert Owens
Lance Commander – Mechwarrior
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3019
Place of Origin: Terra
Gunnery: 1
Piloting: 4
Lance: Strikers’ Pursuit Lance – Living Furies
…Assassin Photo Link
Veteran Mercenary
Norbert Owens’ life began in 3019, when Roger and Norma Owens gave birth to
their only child, a small red-headed boy. Norbert was discovered to have
inherited Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, picking up this attribute
through his father’s side of the family. His small form was ideal for working in
the mines on Pluto, and so Norbert learned his father’s trade as an elemental
miner. Norbert spent his years as a young man helping with his father’s work.
After her husband’s violent death in a large scale cave in, Norma Owens begged
her son to find another line of work. Searching the cold desolate planet,
Norbert found little in the area of occupations he was qualified for. Though his
family was wealthy enough to survive for many years without work, Norbert felt
it was his obligation to see that his mother lived out the rest of her life
comfortably. Taking a bet with a friend, Norbert swore up and down he would
learn the basics of Mech piloting at the local arcade.
In 3043, four years after he had made his bet, Norbert found himself competing
in the 56th Annual Plutonian Mech Jock Championships. Discussing his
abilities with a veteran of Smithson’s Chinese Bandits, Norbert became
interested in what the mercenary unit had to offer. He made plans to join, then
left Pluto late in 3044 for the Chinese Bandits homeworld.
Arriving in 3045, Norbert felt extremely comfortable with his new career after
speaking with his lance commander. The lance commander took a liking to the
young dwarf, and so began the two’s friendship. Though Norbert was green, he
showed extreme skill in his abilities as a pilot. His strongest trait was his
uncanny ability to tackle and master almost any terrain. Owens’ weak point was
his gunnery, which he would later improve on in his veteran years. Norbert
constantly lost his temper with his opponents, causing his Mech to suffer
extreme heat damages and occasionally shutdown. His quick temper, bright red
hair, and heat problems quickly earned him the nickname "flamehead".
Recognizing his friend’s problems, Owens’ commander taught him the basics of
close combat. Norbert was assigned a new Mech with fewer heat problems.
His Hoplite was equipped with 5 flamers, which could induce considerable
problems for enemy Mechs. The Mech’s size allowed him to take considerable
damage as he overheated enemy Mechs that might become troublesome for his
lancemates. With his new position, Owens became known throughout the
Bandits as the man who would "set your hair on fire!".
After six years with the Bandits, Norbert left to visit his mother. Things were
going well for him, but Norbert felt something in his life was lacking. He
decided to change units, and so sent communication of his resignation to the
Bandits team. In 3057, after seven years of improving his abilities and caring
for his dying mother, Norbert left looking for his new mercenary home.
Norbert joined the Strikers, quickly making friends with veterans Mike Strider
and Maverick Pike. The team’s first mission ended with Norbert’s Assassin
scrapped and the pilot rumored dead after he’d become separated from the rest
of the team. Though his body was missing from the wreckage, Norbert was
believed to have been consumed in the fusion engine explosion the Mech
suffered only moments after collapsing. Only after 5 years was the truth finally
revealed, when Norbert arrived at the Strikers base in the Irece Prefecture.
Though Norbert said little of what happened, it is believed that locals helped
him to safety before the Mech went critical.
Norbert was killed in the firebombing of his unit’s barracks in 3068. He was
killed while on night watch duty, and was one of the only three guards able to
report anything by radio transmission before the bombs actually detonated.
Though he was unable to save any lives, Norbert was confirmed as the Striker
pilot who activated the emergency beacon. The activation of the electronic
warning system allowed other Strider’s Strikers companies to launch fighters in
response to the Blakist aerospace forces.
This profile was last updated in 3068.