Ted ‘Big Unit’ Conrad
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3016
Place of Origin: Federated Suns
Gunnery: 3
Piloting: 4
Lance: Strikers’ Knight Lance – Enforcers
…Black Watch Photo Link
Freelance Mercenary
In the mercenary business, they have a saying: "You pay the least, you get the
angry. You pay the most, you get the proud." With this in mind, Ted "Big Unit"
Conrad displayed the pride of a lion. Though one of the highest paid freelance
mercenaries, Ted Conrad was neither an exceptional gunner nor fantastic pilot.
‘Big Unit’, as he was called, seemed to catch the popular eye while riding his
85-ton Black Watch BattleMech.
Ted’s assets seemed to lie in his popular image, his personality, and his high
tech equipment. His choice of BattleMech was a modern design. The Black
Watch sports all new weapons such as the MRM 40, the light Gauss rifle, and
the Ultra class 10 Autocannon. These combined with Ted’s own advertising
pitch made the ‘Big Unit’ package one often hired – by only those who could
afford it. The Strikers selected Ted primarily for his reputation and technology.
His BattleMech was unmistakable on the battlefield, which often cast fear into
enemy units. Ted’s technology also boasted a powerful 3 punch assault at
medium range.
Ted was killed during the firebombing of a barracks facility. He was among
those off-duty and sleeping. Details about his death have been sketchy at best.
Barely any remains were recovered from what was left of his room after the
intense blaze finally subsided.
This profile was last updated in 3068.