Robert Fiztroy
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3026
Place of Origin: Free Worlds League
Gunnery: 3
Piloting: 6
Lance: Strikers’ Blitz Lance – Grindage
…Uziel Photo Link
Computer Specialist
Robert Fitzroy studied computers ever since he was a young child. Robert’s
interest in the field lead him to achieve multiple degrees in computer
engineering and operations. Working with BattleMech security systems, Robert
gradually developed an interest in the machines. His focus on technology
eventually led him to test drive one of the Mechs he had recently programmed.
The experience became habitual for Robert in such a way that he found himself
piloting Mechs quite often. Caving in to his newest obsession, Robert traveled
to Outreach to find work as a mercenary. He joined the Strikers within a week
of his arrival on the mercenary world.
Unfortunately for Robert, his career as a Mechwarrior was relatively short. He
had only gained a moderate level of experience before he faced incredible odds
alongside the rest of the Strider’s Strikers personnel. Despite his short term
with the Strikers, he proved himself completely loyal to the group when he was
faced with the worst situations possible.
Robert died in the orbital strike with the rest of his lance in late 3068. The
group had been attempting to reach Sir Owen Hardcastle, hoping to warn and
help mount a defensive maneuver against a large approaching Blakist force.
Lance Commander Maria Perez and the rest of Fitzroy’s lance were intercepted
en-route to the barracks facility by infantry spotters. They were able to kill
several of the enemy infantry but met with surprisingly desperate tactics by the
fanatical Blakists. The spotters called down fire support from Warships orbiting
Miranda. The spotters themselves were also killed in their suicidal request for
such complete devastation.
This profile was last updated in 3068.