Steve Upton
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3023
Place of Origin: Draconis Combine
Gunnery: 3
Piloting: 2
Lance: Strikers’ Stinger Lance – The Burners
…Hussar LAM Photo Link
A fun loving scout pilot, Steve Upton had an uncanny hobby. A graduate of
Kastas Saban University, he collected and studied parasites in his spare time.
Though he was an expert on the traditional field, which centers on the parasites
of Terra, Steve knew a lot of information with regards to local creatures as well.
Fascinated with Fascioloides magna, Steve spent much of his time memorizing
new information concerning the species’ genetic links. When he was piloting
BattleMechs, Steve’s customized Hussar LAM had often been used for spying
and special scout missions. Its gift of flight, a special talent of LAMs, gave it an
ability to evacuate that usually allowed it to retreat undetected.
Steve died during the Cobalt-60 nuclear detonation on the Trilobite Moon in
3067. He was killed when a massive wave of fire from the blast melted his
Mech. The machine was completely incinerated by the nuclear fireball and he
was killed instantly.
This profile was last updated in 3068.