Corven Case
Pic Inspiration!
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3043
Place of Origin: Free Worlds League
Gunnery: 2
Piloting: 3
Lance: Strikers’ Guardian Lance – Open Minds
…Hercules Photo Link
Character Inspiration
Marik Regular
Corven Case was once a member of the Free Worlds League military. After
fighting for House Marik for 4 years, he became tired of the League’s strict
system of rank. Corven joined the Striker’s as an experiment. He hoped for a
more relaxed atmosphere within the Striker’s command structure. His care-free
attitude helped him to feel at home with the unit. It is likely he would have
continued his contract under Strider’s Strikers. Corven’s deciding factor in
choosing the team was it’s "Own Your Own Mech" benefits.
Corven was killed as a result of the Word of Blake’s detonation of a nuclear
weapon against the Strikers’ Defensive company in 3067. He recovered from
radiation sickness and a debilitating loss of bone marrow, and even began
working almost two months after the incident. Shortly after rejoining his unit,
Corven was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. He died only weeks later from
the disease, a tragic side effect brought on by his original radiation exposure.
This profile was last updated in 3068.