Crow Sunnman
Pic Inspiration!
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3034
Place of Origin: Free Worlds League
Gunnery: 4
Piloting: 5
Lance: Strikers’ Patrol Lance – Family
…Flea Photo Link
‘Birdie’ Sunnman was a member of Strider’s Strikers since the team hired a
logistics crew in early 3058. Birdie, who’s real name was Crow, had slowly
learned the art of BattleMech warfare in the past years. His mentor during this
time had been Duo Maxwell. Though Duo suggested Birdie had only begun his
training, he did inform the commanders Strider and Carns of the new
Mechwarrior’s abilities. Birdie was part of the Backup lance. During campaigns
he was a protector of any commanders present, and he sometimes used his
Flea on scouting missions.
Birdie was killed when helping evacuate his lance commander from trouble.
While he, Mural Rye-Del, and Sarah Smythe succeeded in getting Rocky Potts
out of harm’s way, the group paid with a terrible price. All three Mechwarriors
were killed in the ensuing fight, which pitted them against a far superior enemy
This profile was last updated in 3068.