Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3022
Place of Origin: Federated Suns
Gunnery: 3
Driving / Piloting: 6
Drives: 35-ton Hunter Light Support Tank
Lance: Strikers’ Ground Assault Lance – Armadillos
…Hunter Light Support Tank Photo Link
Cult Member
Mandrake was probably the most mysterious member of the Strider’s Strikers.
His Hunter support tank’s paint job was a clear indicator of this. Mandrake was
part of the Kraftwelt thieves, a cult of techno-spiritualists that exist unknown to
many. His literal worship of technology kept his Hunter in excellent condition,
and he stressed Mech and vehicle care among all the Striker pilots. Mandrake’s
lack of a last name came from his initiation into the Kraftwelt. His mind was
placed in a state of trance and his memory "faded". He went only by Mandrake
afterwards and refused to acknowledge he was different earlier in life.
Mandrake sometimes carried magnetic pulse warheads rather than standard
long range missiles. He had joined the Strikers in hopes of obtaining a more
powerful tracked vehicle.
Mandrake was killed during the Ghost Bears challenge for the Arbiter class
lostech Warship. The Dropship he was boarded on was invaded by Elementals.
The powerful Clan battle armored foes took over the entire Dropship, killing any
who stood in their way. Mandrake had made an attempt to shoot one of the
enemies, but his attack was noticed prematurely and he was killed by a blast
from the Elemental’s powerful laser.
This profile was last updated in 3068.