Ransway Burke
Combat Analyst – Mechwarrior
Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 3012
Place of Origin: Magistracy of Canopus
Gunnery: 4
Piloting: 5
Pilots: 65-ton Thunderbolt
Lance: Not Applicable
…Thunderbolt Photo Link
Combat Operations Analyst
Every bit the talented and respected analyst that his father was, Ransway Burke
has established himself as a vital member of the Strider’s Strikers personnel.
Ransway’s initial position in the Strikers had him filling a role in providing
technical readout details to new technicians. He was almost immediately
working with Nova Cat staff in this role.
He was soon discovered to have undeniable talent when it came to predicting
computer simulated matches between members of the unit. His success in the
regular gambling habits that followed these bouts made him a celebrity amongst
his teammates. He won a variety of bets against high-profile members of the
team, including Colonel Mike Strider and Nova Cat liaison Savalas. While
meeting with the senior members over drinks, Ransway revealed his own goals
about becoming an analyst sometime in the near future.
It didn’t take long for his superiors to place him in a new position to monitor his
skills as a combat analyst. True to his record, Ransway outdid all of his fellow
analysts and predicted dueling wins over 90 percent of the time. He was then
transferred to lance and company operations and proved himself again with 84
percent accuracy. His amazing abilities were immediately tapped to insure the
safety of the entire unit. Ransway became a senior advisor to both
commanders Devon Carns and Mike Strider.
In this role, which Ransway attained in 3060, he has proven himself to be the
mercenary unit’s guardian angel. When given the chance to compute and check
the composition of opposing forces, Ransway can recognize critical
weaknesses and assess threats many commanders fail to realize on their own.
He has used his amazing skills to an incredible effect; Mechwarrior deaths
became a rarity within the Strikers.
As the Strikers began to take on more and more contracts, the realization that
new experienced Mechwarriors would be needed became painfully clear. While
the unit had been uncharacteristically fortunate in the low number of pilot
deaths in combat, lances were forced out of service regularly due to
recuperation time. Commanders Mike and Devon tapped Ransway as their
primary hirer, and he was deployed to Solaris, Galatea, and Outreach in this
Ransway survived the Word of Blake attacks from 3065 to 3068. He was among
the few survivors in a Maultier APC crash in the evacuation of the base in 3065.
He has since become a well-guarded secret. Most Strikers are unaware that he
has been behind many strategies that were outwardly credited to the mercenary
unit’s commanders. Thus far, his value has been well-hidden. He has remained
off of Blakist wanted lists.
This profile was last updated in 3068.