Jean Leia
Sex: Female
Year of Birth: 3041
Place of Origin: Free Worlds League
Gunnery: 3
Piloting: 4
Lance: Crusaders’ Command Lance –
…Crusader Photo Link
Trainee Pilot
Jean Leia spent her early childhood traveling from star system to star system,
always transferred along with her father’s militia unit in the Capellan March.
The years of service her father dedicated to his job took their toll on his family.
After almost two decades, Jean and her mother left her father seeking their own
way of life.
Jean was soon left with the duty of supporting herself and her mother. Her
mother’s age became a factor in her employment, so Jean joined on with the
most readily available job she could find. Unfortunately her lack of an
education and her military upbringing grounded her in work not unlike her
Less than 2 years after leaving her father because of his duty’s to the military,
Jean found herself joining a similar service. After a disagreement with her
superior officers, she quit the local militia and began searching for a mercenary
unit. She was hired onto the Crusaders unit after Alec de Payens discovered
her outstanding piloting skills.
Taking her under his wing, the commander drove Jean harder than any of his
other trainees. While some on the team guessed their relationship to be
romantic at first, it gradually became clear that the pair showed a different kind
of bond. Alec’s close connection with the woman has many now believing that
he sees her as a daughter. This may not be completely false considering Jean’s
assignment to his command lance despite her lack of experience as a
This profile was last updated in 3068.